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Bangkok Kungfu (Movie Review)

In Sunday I watch Thailand movie with my dorm's friends, the title is Bangkok Thailand. This film tell about gangsters who kidnapped children, making them a beggar to collect money. There are children named Chit, Ka, Na, and Pong. Pong has a mother who worked as a prostitute, when  a man come to his home to get ‘served’ his mother ask Pong to get out. That moment make gangsters get easily to kidnap Pong, brought him to their office building.  In their building every child get violence and make Pong feel afraid. He screams out then a gangster cut his tounge to make him silent. Not only Pong, a victim who loss his tounge but also Chit who loss his eyes, Ka who loss his hearing and Na who loss his fullfill needed as a ‘special child’.

Someday Chit, Ka, Na and Pong were begging in the street. The old grandfather and little girl named Kaoya passed and look at them one by one. He thinks something wrong with them. In far distance there are gangsters who keep them eyes for sure no one child run off. After that gangsters punish children because they speak to old grandfather. Suddenly, old grandfather come and fight with gangsters to save chilldren.

Ten laters. . Chit, Ka, and Na have special ability in kungfu, they call old grandfather ‘The Master’. I forgot the name of their master,haha. .  Pong who had autism didn’t has any ability but he more controlled and more obedient. As you know only one girl in that temple, Kaoya. Kaoya was growing as a beautiful woman, her hobby is singing. The moment when she participated in audition succesfully make me laugh. She look weird in dancing but she good at singing. Kaoya has special feeling to Pong. Why? Because Pong give her a gift when she was birthday. Actually that gift is not Pong’s belonging but belong to Ka. Hmm. .Kaoya likes Pong, Ka likes Kaoya and Pong likes other girl named Bibi. It’s so complicated right?

Conflict begins when Pong attack white gangsters and kill their boss. That gang grudges by attacking the temple.  As a consequence  the master must fight with them. Accidentally, Na got hurt in his forehead and got a delirium phase. To heal him the master use moon light. Moon light is a mystical power which make people be the strongest in kungfu and regenerate damage tissue.  The boss from white gangster looking Na for take moon light back. He sent ‘monkey’ as a kungfu servant  and killed the master unexpectedly. Na still not awaked. Chit, Ka, Pong and Kaoya bring him to kungfu doctor. Nothing different, the doctor said Na was dead and ask them to bury Na remains. The problem not just stopped right there, white gangsters look for Na to stolen his heart which contains moon light. Chit is deaden by white gangsters boss. When  white gangster boss want to kill Ka and Pong, Na wake up and the battle is happening. Of course with the power of moon light Na become a winner.

The ending closed by pretension of Ka  going to America, he want to forget all memories about his life in Thailand, his friends and Kaoya of course! A girl who make Ka fall in love but he thinks Kaoya likes Pong. It’s because Kaoya doesn’t know the fact that a gift which contains marbles actually belong to Ka. But don’t worry viewer in the rest of movie Ka realize he lost a gift and come back again to his dorm from airport. In the same time Kaoya visit Ka’s dorm, Kaoya and Ka looking each other on that moment, without saying anything both Kaoya and Ka has already known their feeling.

Hmm. . . we never know with whom our feeling get connected. Love is a mysterious matter, isn’t it? It relates with our destiny and what we do know determine our future. Don’t  underestimate the little thing like a gift which we had given to others, because maybe that stuff give him/her inspiring, motivation, strength, affection and so on. Let’s share the little part of us, something precious, sad, happy, and unimportant experiences. Every people has ability to view the matter in other side, used their creativity to develop their mind.

I’m still learning english languages, especially in writing so that’s why my english is so awkward. Hopefullly you enjoy it^^ Correct me if i’m wrong!


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